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Sculpt and Tone Lower Body Strength Circuits

Sculpt strong, toned legs and thighs with these circuits. The mix of single leg (unilateral) and both legs (bilateral) exercises help with stability, balance and strength.  Infusing cardio and core exercises throughout the circuits gives you a very well rounded lower body workout routine.


  • Go through the exercises in each circuit 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3...

  • 2-3 times through each circuit

  • Rest as needed.

  • Be sure you do both legs each round on the one sided strength exercises.

  • You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for your needs. Click HERE for full disclaimer.


Warm up:  30 seconds each

boxer shuffle, butt kicks, jumping jacks, skaters, good mornings, squat + kick, lunges, side lunges

(click to see warm up video)


(click on each exercise to see a video demonstration)


  1. goblet squat 12, 12, 12 (like a regular squat, but you hold one dumbbell against your chest in a vertical fashion and place your feet at 1 and 11 o'clock)

  2. side plank elbow crunch L/R 12, 12, 12

  3. good mornings 12, 12, 12 (*if you don't have barbell, you can hold dumbbell behind your neck instead)

  4. jump rope 50


  1. pistol squat L/R 8, 8, 8

  2. bent leg elbow crunch L/R 12, 12, 12

  3. deadlift 12, 12, 12

  4. zig zag jumps 50


  1. one legged deadlift L/R 12, 12, 12 (*can use dumbbells or barbell)

  2. in and outs 20

  3. sumo squats 12, 12, 12

  4. curtsy lunge skips 20


  1. Bulgarian split squat 12, 12, 12

  2. plank side kick 12, 12, 12

  3. weighted glute raise 12, 12, 12 (*if you do not have a barbell, you can place dumbbell on your hips to use for weight)

  4. jumping jacks 40

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