The Perfect 21 Minute Calorie Burning Workout
Cindy and I have been enjoying our 21 minute workouts! You work hard and are done in less than 30 minutes. This is a great calorie burning workout that gets your heart rate going and works your core. Full confession, by glutes were a little sore from the reverse lunge skips same legs too.
Warm up: 30 seconds of each exercise
boxer shuffle, butt kicks, jumping jacks, skaters, good mornings, squat kicks, lunges, side lunges
option 1: 40 seconds of exercise/20 seconds of rest one time through the circuit for total of 21 minutes
option 2: 20 seconds of exercise/10 seconds of rest two times through the circuit for a total of 21 minutes
You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for your needs. Click HERE for full disclaimer.
Workout: click on the exercises to view a video demonstration
1. squat jump
5. jumping jacks
7. scissor kick + leg lift
8. up down plank
12. plank side kicks
13. jump lunge
14. bunny hops
15. scissor kick + leg lifts
16. plank hip taps
17. lateral jump hop
19. scissor kick + leg lift
20. plank knee to same elbow (just the knee to elbow part of the video demo)
21. jump rope