10's Circuit Workout II
So you've started your fitness journey and you are making progress - this workout will give you some variation, by adding different exercises and jumping jacks to introduce basic cardiovascular training. You are on the right track - don't stop now! Change is happening and you will be truly amazed at the changes you see if you just keep working!
10’s Circuit Workout II
do 1-3 times through
after each exercise do 10 jumping jacks
You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for your needs. Click HERE for full disclaimer.
dumbbell or any object for front raise, it could even be a bag of sugar
Squat to Side Leg Lift- 10 (video shows exercise w/ band, but no band is necessary)
10 Jumping Jacks
Plank Rock on Toes - 10
10 Jumping Jacks
Lunge Pulse - 10 Each Side
10 Jumping Jacks
Front Raise (Bus Driver) - 10 (video shows bands, but any small weight can be used)
10 Jumping Jacks
Curtsy Lunge - 10 Each Side (no jump)
10 Jumping Jacks
Table Top - 10
10 Jumping Jacks
Windmill Pushup - 10 (on knees for pushup if necessary)
10 Jumping Jacks
Long Leg Donkey Kick - 10
10 Jumping Jacks
10 Jumping Jacks
One Legged Calf Raise - 10 Each Side
10 Jumping Jacks