Total Upper Body Strength Circuit Workout
This is a resistance workout that is a full upper body workout, and depending upon the weight you use, it can be quite challenging. It utilizes supersets to work three different upper body parts, without any break. After doing each set of exercises, you take a 30 second break and repeat 2 more times. Each set should be a total of 6 minutes from start to finish.
It hits all five upper body groups, bi's, tri's, back, chest, and shoulders, and each muscle group is worked for three sets of three different exercises. It is a great way to make the most of your workout time.
I have included a video of each set, so you can see exactly how to transition from one set to the next. It's important to transition as smoothly as possible, so you don't waste time during your workout. Having your weights out and available will help you move quickly between exercises. I have to admit, I am not used to talking, taping and doing the exercises, so there was a learning curve and the transitions were not as fast as I hope you will be able to do them. Have patience with me!
Do three exercises (30 seconds each) back to back, followed by a 30 sec break and repeat the circuit 2 more times.
Each circuit is done for a total of 3 sets - 6 minutes per circuit total.
ABC format
Set timer for 30 seconds intervals
30 Seconds rest between each set.
Break as needed between each circuit
You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for your needs. Click HERE for full disclaimer.
Dumb bells
Bench (optional)
A 3/4 Flies - 30 seconds
B Lying Tricep Extension- 30 seconds
CLat Pullover - 30 seconds
Rest - 30 seconds
Repeat Two More Times
For video of this set of exercises - CLICK HERE
A Bicep Curls - 30 seconds
B Alternating Shoulder Press- 30 seconds
CJump Squat - 30 seconds
Rest - 30 seconds
Repeat Two More Times
For video of this set of exercises - CLICK HERE
A Push Ups - 30 seconds
B Reverse Flies- 30 seconds
C Overhead Tricep Extension- 30 seconds
Rest - 30 seconds
Repeat Two More Times
For a video of this set of exercises - CLICK HERE
A Hammer Curl- 30 seconds
B Front & Lateral Raises- 30 seconds
CHigh Knees - 30 seconds
Rest - 30 seconds
Repeat Two More Times
For a video of this set of exercises - CLICK HERE
A Chest Press - 30 seconds
B One Arm Row- 30 seconds
CDips - 30 seconds
Rest - 30 seconds
Repeat Two More Times
For a video of this set of exercises - CLICK HERE
A Static Bicep Curls - 30 seconds
B Upright Row- 30 seconds
C Burpee with Front Kicks- 30 seconds
Rest - 30 seconds
Repeat Two More Times