Don't Derail Your Fitness While on Vacation! Here is Your 5 Day Vacation Workout Plan
A vacation is the best excuse to leave your responsibilities at home—does anything feel better than temporarily ignoring those emails, phone calls and laundry? But there’s one responsibility that shouldn’t take a holiday, and that’s your health. Taking a week off from working out can throw you off your game, both mentally and physically, for weeks when you return home, leaving you more prone to injuries and messing up your fitness goals.
While your beach/family time and sightseeing shouldn’t be planned around your exercise routine, you should find just a small amount of time to work up a sweat. Here are the very best vacation workouts that you can do with only body weight and resistance bands to maintain your health—without sacrificing your relaxing time.
Don't let your fitness get derailed ....pack your workout clothes, resistance bands and this 5 day set of vacation workouts and keep your fitness and health plan right on track! Remember, we workout because we love our bodies! So, take care of your body while you're away from home.
*click on the exercises to see a video demonstration
*you can modify any of the workouts by adjusting the circuit timing from 40/20 to 30/15 to 20/10 as needed to accomodate your fitness level
40 seconds on/20 seconds off 2X through each circuit
You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for your needs. Click HERE for full disclaimer.
one legged glute raise with band (right)
one legged glute raise with band (left)
push ups
walking lunges with pulse
jumping jacks
squat to side leg lifts use loop band around ankles (left leg one round/right leg second round)
standing rear raisers with loop band (left leg)
standing rear raisers with loop band (right leg)
jump rope
quad raise with loop band (left leg)
quad raise with loop band (right leg)
40 seconds on/20 seconds off ABAB format
rest as needed between sets
B. flutter kick squat or boxer shuffle
A. forward reverse lunge (left leg first round/right leg second round)
B. side plank elbow crunch (L/R)
A. knee ups (left leg first round/right leg second round)
A. modified jump lunge or butt kicks
B. toe touch
A. donkey kicks (pulse for added difficulty)
B. jumping jacks
A. crab walk
A. elbow plank hip tap + knee to same elbow
B. high knees or high knee skips
A. star crunches
B. burpee + front kicks
40 seconds on/20 seconds off 2X through each circuit
rest as needed between sets
jump rope
alternating toe touch
long jump forward + shuffle back
glute bridge leg raise with loop band above knee
reverse crunch
in and out squats with loop band at knee
rhombus pull with band
zig zag walk with loop band above knee
tricep kickback with bands
30 seconds on/15 seconds off AABBAABB format
rest as needed between sets
A. jump squat + front kicks. B. in and out crunch
A. plank frogger + push up B. jump rope
A. mountain climbers B. bird dogs
40 seconds on/20 seconds off 2-3X through the circuit
rest as needed between sets
4. reverse lunge to knee up (switch legs halfway through round 3)
5. elbow to opposite knee crunch (traditional crunch for round 3)
7. side plank hip tap ( elbow plank hip tap on round 3)
8. walk out push up
12. bow taps (glute raise march for round 3)
Fill out the form below to download the printable VACATION 5 DAY WORKOUT PLAN