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Toilet Paper Workout....yes you heard me right!

It all started when I was putting away a bulk order of toilet paper from Amazon Pantry (the greatest thing ever by the way!).  I was wanting to do a workout that used sand bels, but they were all at the gym and I was at home, so....the toilet paper workout was born!  You all know I am totally into creating your own gym at home with items you already have.  Water jugs, towels, cookie sheets, and now toilet paper rolls are all things you ladies have around the house.  So the only thing you really need to start these workouts is MOTIVATION!  As I've said before, its so much easier and more fun to workout with a friend.  Call you gal pal, have her come over for a cup of tea and then do this workout together.  You won't regret it!


  • advanced 40 seconds on/20 seconds rest

  • intermediate 30 seconds on/15 seconds rest

  • beginner 20 seconds on/10 seconds rest

  • if the exercise is one leg/arm, do RIGHT round 1 and LEFT round 2

  • 2-4 times through the circuit

  • You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for your needs. Click HERE for full disclaimer.


  • 4 toilet paper rolls

  • timer-we like using Seconds app for our interval timer

Warm Up:  30 seconds each

boxer shuffle, butt kicks, jumping jacks, skaters, good mornings, squat kicks, lunges, side lunges


180 Squat Jumps

  • Stack the toilet paper rolls on top of each other to create a tower. Stand facing the tower with feet a little wider than hip width apart.

  • Lower into a squat to grab the first roll, explode up into a jump and turn 180* to face the opposite way.

  • Immediately lower into another squat and place the roll on the ground. Explode up into a jump and turn 180* to face the tower again.

  • Repeat, unstacking the toilet paper tower on one side and creating a new tower on the other side until your time is up.

Plank Stack

  • Start in a plank on your hands with the toilet paper tower in front of your right shoulder.

  • Keep a strong core while you grab the top roll with your left hand and place it on the floor about an arms length in front of your left shoulder. Keep your core tight and try to keep your hips still.

  • Continue until the tower is now completely stacked in front of your left shoulder and then repeat the process using your right arm to grab and stack it in front of your right shoulder.

  • Repeat this process until your time is up.

Tower Single Leg Lifts

  • Stack the rolls to create a tower and sit straight legged in front of them so they are just to the left of your ankles.

  • Lean back slightly and support your torso by placing your hands next to your hips while lifting your legs so they are just hovering over the floor.

  • Lift your left leg up and over the tower and have it hover while your lift your right leg up and over the tower. Do not let your legs/feet touch the ground for this entire exercise.

  • Repeat this process of lifting up and over the tower until the time is up.

*The further behind you your hands are placed, the easier the exercise will be.

Lateral Hurdles

  • Line toilet paper rolls up on floor and stand to the right of the line.

  • Balancing on the right leg, bend your knee and lower yourself to tap the right toe with your left hand.

  • Explode up and immediately hop laterally over the line of rolls to land on the left side and land on the left leg.

  • Lower yourself to tap the left toe with your right hand.

  • Explode up and immediately hope laterally over the line of rolls to land on the right side and land on the right leg.

  • Repeat until the timer runs out.

Toilet Paper Pass

  • Lie on your back with your arms and legs outstretched and holding a roll in your hands.

  • Come up to a V-up/toe touch and put the roll between your feet.

  • Go back down with your arms and legs outstretched but hovering just above the floor.

  • Come up to a V-up/toe touch and put the roll between your hands and go back down.

  • Repeat until the timer is up.

*This is just like a "ball pass" but we are using a toilet paper roll instead of a yoga ball.

One Legged Squats L/R

  • Place 4 rolls in a semi-circle in front of you and you stand on your left leg.

  • Keep your right leg lifted while you squat to touch the roll to your far left with your right hand.

  • Stand and repeat with the next roll in the semi-circle. Go all the way down the line and back with this same squat/touch/stand process.

  • Keep your core tight the entire time.

  • Repeat until your time is up.

  • Now stand on your right leg and repeat the exercise.

Walking Plank Push Ups

  • Place the 4 rolls in a line with a shoulder width of space between them and get into a plank position with your hands to the far left of the line.

  • Keeping a strong core and plank position, walk your hands up and over the first roll and do a push up.

  • Return to a plank and walk your hands up and over the next roll and do a push up.

  • Repeat this walking plank/push up process until you get to the end of the line. Then continue this exercise going back down the line until the time is up.

*If you need to do the push up from your knees, walk up and over the roll in a plank position and then go to your knees for the push up.  Go back to plank position...

Side Plank Toe Taps L/R

  • Start in a side plank on your left elbow with a roll in line around your knees and another around your shoulders. Both are about an arms length away.

  • Hold the side plank and extend your top leg forward to touch the first roll then come back to original side plank position.

  • Hold the side plank and extend your top leg forward to touch the second roll then come back to side plank.

  • Repeat this process until the time is up.

  • Now start in a side plank on your right elbow and repeat this exercise.

Tower Leg Lifts

  • Stack the rolls to create a tower and sit straight legged in front of them so they are just to the left of your ankles.

  • Lean back slightly and support your torso by placing your hands next to your hips while lifting your legs so they are just hovering over the floor.

  • Lift both legs up and over the tower.

  • Repeat this process of lifting both legs up and over the tower until the time is up.

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