Self Care is NOT a luxury item!
There is a booming industry dedicated to the concept of self care. And while I love a relaxing massage or a new anti aging face cream, this is not what I want you to think about when I talk about self care. Self care is not an expensive luxury that is an indulgence you experience every once and a blue moon. Self care should be incorporated into your daily routine, into your everyday life. Simple things like decluttering a closet, making a healthy breakfast, finding a quiet moment for a cup of tea can feed our spirits. Walks in nature, meditating, connecting with a friend, journaling, exercising… any thoughtful activity that leaves you feeling calm and centered is a form of self care. To me, self care can be boiled down to creating time to pursue meaningful moments or activities. I want you to schedule your self care as you would anything else in your life. Put it in your calendar! For those of you who are already doing our VIDEO WORKOUT SERIES, you are already practicing self care 3 times each week! Bravo! For those of you who don’t know where to start or would like to incorporate some additional self care activities into your daily routine, here are some ideas to get you started:
Mindful walk
Get outdoors! Go for a walk around your neighborhood or drive to a beautiful trail, just get outside and into nature. Being in nature immediately sets your soul dial to calm. In addition to walking in your natural surroundings, I want you to to repeat some positive thoughts or phrases to yourself as you walk. Usually, when we are walking we are thinking of our to do lists or upcoming schedules. With a mindful walk you are trying to declutter your brain and move your body with a purpose and focus on your immediate surroundings and a positive thought or thoughts. And hey, if you want to say your positive thoughts out loud….more power to ya! I’m always up for being the “unusual” gal on the trail talking to herself! I mean, who wants to be usual when unusual is so much more interesting?!
Journaling/Gratitude journal
Full disclosure, the thought of sitting down to journal creates anxiety for me. What do I write about, how to I remain focused, there are too many variables that give me nervous energy! For those of you who can harness your nerves, be still and journal your thoughts….YIPPEE! That’s is fantastic and I’m in awe! If you’re like me, however, and this seems like a bit of a leap, I suggest a gratitude journal. Take a moment to write down at least one thing you are grateful for that day. Of course, you can write more than one thing, but if this is a real stretch for you, start with one. With a journal or gratitude journal you are giving yourself the gift of documentation. What do I mean by that? As journaling becomes part of your daily/weekly ritual, you will accumulate a written version of your thoughts and words of gratitude that will become a never ending gift to yourself. It documents your history and evolution in such a beautiful way. Here is a journal Cindy and I use and love.
Exercising regularly benefits both your physical and mental health. The endorphins that are released from the brain after exercising will almost immediately help to boost your mood and will also help to reduce your stress levels over time. I say it all the time, I exercise for my mental health over my physical health. When we become overwhelmed, the first thing we let fall through the cracks is our fitness. DON’T DO IT!!! Love yourself enough to make fitness a part of your routine. Involve your family and friends, find accountability groups and keep moving. There is great power in movement! For more information on our CCK video series, click here.
We all know we don’t get enough sleep. I have been a 7 hours of sleep gal for as long as I can remember (at least once I got through the baby phase of life:) and I make it an absolute priority in my self care! Sleep is important because it enables the body to repair and be ready for another day. Here is more information on the importance of sleep and how to get a better sleep.
Get a plant
Cindy and I love our plants! I’ve been having fun bringing my plants back in from outside and seeing the energy they bring to every room I place them in. There is so much science behind the benefits of having plants in your environment! They keep the air cleaner, they boost your mood, they can give you an overall sense of calm…really! For those of you you don’t have a green thumb, here are some of my “can’t kill” favorites; ZZ plants, Mother in Laws Tongue and Peace Lily. Try putting a small plant on your desk or next to your bed and breathe in the calm.
Our obsession with herbal tea is no secret! The health benefits of drinking tea are many, but I want to focus on the opportunity to create a peaceful, self care ritual with a cup of tea. “Not only does herbal tea help hydrate and detoxify the body, but the process of making and drinking a cup of tea creates a mini respite,” says Dr. Carla Marie Manly, a clinical psychologist in Santa Rosa. Take this moment to stop what you’re doing, slow down and recharge. Here is one of our favorite fall teas.
perform an act of kindness
Hold the door open for someone, pick up a piece of litter, buy coffee for the car behind you, smile at a stranger. Wait a minute… isn’t this supposed to be about you??? Research shows that acts of kindness boost the well being of not only the giver, but also the receiver. During this time of pandemics and social/political unrest, don’t we all need a kindness boost? I know I do!
This is just a short list of self care moments. There are sooooo many more you can do! As we prepare our homes and families for this beautiful change in the seasons, I challenge you to incorporate small moments of self care into your daily routines. Put the meaningful moments that you will practice into your calendar. Be intentional! Find something each and everyday to fuel and care for your spirit. Prioritize you in creating your healthy life, happy life!
For more of our self care ideas…