Cardio/Core Workout

Our Go To Cardio Core Workout

Meg and I made up this workout one day when we were pressed for time and needed to burn some calories but didn't feel like killing ourselves.  The 20 second cardio gets your heart rate up, while the core allows you to recover a little, and incorporate some core strengthening too.  This is an awesome workout that can be varied according to ability level, requires no equipment and can be modified easily.  One of the things I love most about this workout is that it can be done anywhere - outside, while traveling, or at home.  We keep this as a staple in our fitness program, especially when we want to increase our calorie burn.  While we may change the specific exercises in the different variations we use, the general format remains the same.  

Take this workout and make it your own!  

This workout is a simple, yet effective to way burn calories while strengthening your core.  It can be modified to different fitness levels and it has the added benefit of boosting your metabolic rate for 24 hours, which gives you an added afterburn.




  • 20 seconds on/10 seconds rest * here is the Seconds app we love for timing circuits*

  • 2 times through circuit for beginner - 4 times through circuit for advanced

  • 1:00-2:00 minutes rest between circuits

  • 10 minutes per circuit

  • You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for your needs. Click HERE for full disclaimer.


  • none


  1. Jump Squat (Modified version of Jump Squat)

  2. Reverse Crunch

  3. Jumping Jack

  4. Russian Twist

  5. Burpee

  6. Crunch

  7. Reverse Lunge Skip

  8. Scissors Kicks

  9. Jump Lunge (Modified version of Jump Lunge)

  10. Bicycles

  11. Thrusters (Burpee with no stand/jump)

  12. Right Side Plank Hip Tap

  13. High Knees

  14. Up Down Plank

  15. Zig Zag Jump

  16. In and Out Crunch

  17. Squat Jack

  18. Left Side Plank Hip Tap

  19. Fast Feet

  20. Plank Shoulder Tap

Click on any highlighted title for a photo or video description of the exercise.

To download a PRINTABLE copy of the workout, fill out the form below.