Keep It Simple Bootcamp
This workout is about as simple as you can get - it's just five exercises that you repeat 5 times. It's strictly a cardio workout, and a great way to burn calories and bump your metabolism with high intensity exercises mixed with moderate intensity. You can modify intensity by decreasing the time from 40 seconds to 30 or 20. The faster you go with exercises like air boxing and burpees, the higher the heart rate, which translates into a higher calories burn.
Keep It Simple Bootcamp
40 seconds on/20 seconds rest (modify intensity by decreasing times to 30/15 or 20/10)
Repeat circuit 5 times through
1:00-2:00 minutes rest between circuits
5 minutes per circuit, approximately 30-35 minute workout
You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for your needs. Click HERE for full disclaimer.
- none necessary - Jump Rope if available
Warm Up: 30 seconds each exercise
Jump Rope - Butt Kick - Jumping Jacks - High Knee Skips - Good Mornings - Squat to Kick Lunges - Side Lunges
- Jump Rope
- Air boxing
- Jumping Jacks
- Burpees
- Skaters