killer TOTAL body challenge
This is a killer full body challenge that will transform your body! There are 4 circuits in this workout and they are grouped by type: a strength round, conditioning round, abs/glutes round, and another conditioning round. You can complete one round of all 4 circuits in about 20 minutes or you can repeat the workout so it becomes a 40-60 minute workout! CHALLENGE YOURSELF AND GO GET 'EM!!!!
*be sure to click on the exercise to see a video demo if you need it
The strength and abs/glutes circuits are using reps.
The conditioning circuits are using timer/time.
You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for your needs. Click HERE for full disclaimer.
dumbbells and/or bands
Warm up: 30 seconds each exercise
boxer shuffle, butt kicks, jumping jacks, skaters, good mornings, squat kicks, lunges, side lunges
Strength Round
(approximately 7 minutes)
One Legged Deadlift, 8-10 each leg
Squat & Snatch, 8-10 each arm
One-arm row, 8-10 each arm
Windmill pushup, 12-15 reps
repeat for total of 2 rounds
Conditioning Round
Do entire round without rest, then rest 30-60 seconds before beginning the next round.
(approximately 4 minutes)
Boxer shuffle, 30 seconds
Burpees (option: add push up), 30 seconds
Sumo squats w/weights, 30 seconds
Squat jumps, 30 seconds (modify if needed)
Repeat for a total of 2 rounds
Abs & Glutes Round
Do entire Round, then rest 30 seconds before beginning next round.
(approximately 5 minutes)
Weighted sit-ups with jug, 15 reps
Long leg oblique with a pulse, 15 reps
Side plank elbow crunch, 10-12 reps each side
Bicycle crunch, 10 reps
One legged glute raise w/band, 10-12 reps each side
Glute bridge leg lift, 10-12 reps each side
Conditioning Round
(approximately 4 minutes)
Boxer shuffle, 30 seconds
Burpees (option: add push up), 30 seconds
Sumo squat w/weights, 30seconds
Jump Squats, 30 seconds
Repeat for a total of 2 round
*resistance to workouts stimulate more muscle growth
*add explosive cardio moves to increase fat burning