Outdoor Lower Body Band Workout
My daughter and I went to the Santa Monica Beach last week, which happens to be home to the original Muscle Beach. Well, any self respecting trainer would have to do some kind of workout there! I grabbed a loop band, which I could literally stick in my pocket and this workout was born.
This lower body workout can be done anywhere, you could even do it at the park while you are waiting at soccer practice! The workout can also be tailored to meet whatever time constraints you have, and the option of adding a cardio element will bump up the caloric burn significantly.
So grab a band and head outdoors to do this Outdoor Lower Body Band Workout!
do 2-3 sets
cardio option - add 25 jumping jacks or 5 burpees after completing each exercise
You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for your needs. Click HERE for full disclaimer.
Loop Band
Warm up
30 seconds each exercise
Boxer Shuffle
Butt Kicks
Jumping Jacks
Good Mornings
Air Squats
Reverse Lunges
Side Lunge
Squat with single leg side pulse - 12 each leg
Rear Raisers 12 each side
Squat Side Step 12 each side
Quad Raises 12 each leg
Romanian Deadlifts 12
Workout with Cardio Option:
Squat with Single Leg Side Pulse - 12 each leg Plus 25 Jumping Jacks or 5 Burpees
Rear Raisers - 12 each side Plus 25 Jumping Jacks or 5 Burpees
Squat Side Step - 12 each side Plus 25 Jumping Jacks or 5 Burpees
Quad Raises - 12 each leg Plus 25 Jumping Jacks or 5 Burpees
Romanian Deadlifts - 12 Plus 25 Jumping Jacks or 5 Burpees
For other band workouts