10 for 10 Beginner Upper Body Circuit

10 for 10 beginner upper workout www.cardiocoffeeandkale.com

Everyone starts somewhere.  This is a wonderful place to begin your fitness journey.  If you've never picked up a weight before or if you've never done an upper body workout before, start here!  We will guide you through this upper body circuit with a video, so you will know exactly what to do.  If you really want to change your body by becoming fit, this is where it starts!


  • Go through the 10 exercises in this circuit at your own pace. Take breaks as needed.

  • Do each exercise for 10 repetitions.

  • Watch the video for further instruction and proper form.

  • You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for your needs. Click HERE for full disclaimer.


  • dumbbells (3-10 pounds) OR

  • resistance bands

Warm up:  30 seconds each exercise

boxer shuffle, step out jumping jacks, side to side steps, good mornings, squats


  1. Bicep curl 10 reps

  2. Side steps (step to left-center-right-center=2 reps) 10 reps

  3. Chest press 10 reps

  4. Front steps (step to front with right leg and back to center=1 rep) alternate legs 10 reps

  5. Tricep kick back10 reps

  6. Rear steps (step to back with right leg and back to center=1 rep) alternate legs 10 reps

  7. Bent over row. 10 reps

  8. Round the world steps (step to front with right leg and back to center/side with right leg and back to center/back with right leg and back to center=1 rep) alternate legs 4-6 reps

  9. Front and lateral raises10 reps

  10. Walk for 5-10 minutes