The Best 21 Minute Chest and Back Workout!
I love the format of these 21 minute workouts! The focus is on your back and chest, but has a cardio burst to keep your heart rate up and calories burning. This workout has three 7 minute circuits that you work through and do as many times as you can, stopping after 7 minutes regardless of how many sets you can get finished, and move onto the next set. After 21 minutes (25 with warm up) - you are all finished! It's a great workout for any fitness level - you move through the sets as fast as your fitness level allows! Beginners will finish 1-2 sets, while 3-4 sets will probably be the goal for those who are more advanced.
It's a great way to do a workout when you are short on time. You have to work hard, but you are done in less than 30 minutes! That's only 2% of your day!
Do all three exercises in the set, starting again at the top when you complete all four exercises. Do as many sets as possible.
Continue for 7 minutes. Stop after 7 minutes and move to next set.
Take breaks as needed.
You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for your needs. Click HERE for full disclaimer.
Med Ball or any ball
Warm-Up - 30 seconds each exercise
boxer shuffle, butt kicks, jumping jacks, skaters, good mornings, squat kicks, lunges, side lunges (click here for video of warm up exercises)
SET 1 - 7:00 Minutes
10 Chest Press
10 Reverse Flies
10 Burpees
SET 2 - 7:00 Minutes
10 One Arm Rows
40 Mt Climbers
SET 3 - 7:00 Minutes
10 Chest Flies
30 Jumping Jacks
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