Take Anywhere Total Upper Body Band Workout
This is a simple way to get an upper body workout in without using any other equipment than your bands. The beauty of bands is that they can be thrown in a purse or suitcase and be literally used anywhere you go! They also offer variable resistance allowing you to adjust the difficulty just by shortening or lengthening your grip on the bands. We love everything about bands!
This workout is timed, but if you prefer to do numbered reps, it can easily be changed. Grab some bands and get ready to workout!
Take Anywhere Total Upper Body Band Workout
- 40 seconds on/20 seconds rest (modify intensity by decreasing times to 30/15 or 20/10
- If no timer available - do each band exercise with 12 reps.
- 2 -3 times through circuit
- 1:00-2:00 minutes rest between circuits
- 13 minutes per circuit
- You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for your needs. Click HERE for full disclaimer.
Warm up
30 seconds each exercise
- Boxer Shuffle
- Butt Kicks
- Jumping Jacks
- Good Mornings
- Air Squats
- Reverse Lunges
- Side Lunge
Don't forget to click the links for videos of the exercises
- Front Raise
- Alternating Hammer Bicep Curl
- Walk Out Push Up
- Row with Band
- Tricep Extensions or Standing Tricep Extension
- Jumping Jack
- Lateral Raise
- Kneeling Band Bicep Curls
- Bicycles
- Windmill Push Up
- Standing Rhomboid Pull
- Tricep Kickback
- Mt Climbers
Please fill out the form below for a download version of the workout. Don't forget to click the link.
Want a great lower body band workout?