My "Go To" Upper Body Workout

Everyone has their “Go To” workouts that they do when they want to get a lot of bang for the time you spend in the gym! This is a workout I do all the time when I need to hit a full upper workout without spending hours in the gym. I can bang out 6 sets of each major muscle group by doing supersets - it’s pretty fast and furious!

I take very little breaks between sets, because for instance, in the first set, my chest is recovering while my biceps are working. This allows me to do back to back exercises. I do a variation of this workout all the time and I love it. If you keep moving and lift a challenging weight…you don’t need to do cardio either, your heart rate should stay elevated anyway.

Lifting weights boost metabolisms and help us lose body fat and get lean. Strength training exercises are the most important exercises women can do to fight the effects of aging too!


Go through each set 3 times (if short on time, you can reduce the sets to 2 times through.)

Do exercises in the sets back to back.

Take breaks as needed.

You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for your needs. Click HERE for full disclaimer.


Dumbbells and/or resistance bands

Warm up: do each exercise for 30 seconds

Boxer shuffle, butt kicks, jumping jacks, skaters, good mornings, squat kicks, lunges, side lunges (click here for video of warm up exercises)



  • A. Dumbbell Chest Press 10-12

  • B. Alternating Bicep Curl 10-12


  • A. Bent Over Rows (with Dumbbells or Barbell ) 10-12

  • B. Front and Lateral Raises 10-12


  • A. Lying Tricep Extension 10-12

  • B. Chest Flies 10-12


  • A. Shoulder Press 10-12

  • B. Hammer Curls 10-12


  • A. Lat Pull Overs 10-12

  • B. Tricep Kickbacks 10-12

Fill out the form below for a link to the printable version of the workout.


This is my “go to” workout when I need to hit a full upper workout without spending hours in the gym.  I can bang out 6 sets of each major muscle group by doing supersets - it’s pretty fast and furious! My Favorite "Go To" Upper Body Workout!  #stre…
This is my “go to” workout when I need to hit a full upper workout without spending hours in the gym.  I can bang out 6 sets of each major muscle group by doing supersets - it’s pretty fast and furious! My Favorite "Go To" Upper Body Workout!  #stre…