12 Minute Metabolism Booster
This is a fun full body circuit workout! Cindy always questions my use of the word "FUN", but I really think it is! Once again, it is a metabolic workout that will burn calories and strengthen your upper and lower body as well as your core. Be ready to sweat and...have some FUN!
40 seconds on/20 seconds rest (modify intensity by decreasing times to 30/15 or 20/10)
2 -3 times through circuit for advanced
1:00-2:00 minutes rest between circuits
12 minutes per circuit
You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for your needs. Click HERE for full disclaimer.
weights or bands
kettle bell or gallon of water
Warm up: 30 seconds each exercise
boxer shuffle, butt kicks, jumping jacks, skaters, good mornings, squat kicks, lunges, side lunges
1. kettle bell swing
2. hammer curls (bands or weights)
5. squat jumps/modified squat jumps
6. tricep extenstions (bands or weights)
7. dead lift or standing rear raisers
10. push ups
11. wall sit
12. crab walk