Calorie crushing circuit
We really believe it is important to constantly confuse your muscles in order to effectively burn calories and keep your fitness journey from hitting a plateau. This cardio/core workout is a very effective calorie burning HIIT circuit that requires no equipment. It will shock your metabolism into high gear and supercharge your calorie burn! And you can do it at home! If you really want to up your calorie this circuit outside! Any time I take my workouts to my backyard, I can count on doubling my calorie burn and getting a good sweat on! YAHOO! It's the perfect calorie crushing circuit!
- none
- go through 12 exercises 1-3 times
- 40 seconds of exercise/20 seconds rest OR 30 seconds of exercise/15 seconds rest
- 1-2 minute break at end of circuit before you start circuit again
- You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for your needs. Click HERE for full disclaimer.
Warm up: 30 seconds each exercise
boxer shuffle, butt kicks, jumping jacks, skaters, good mornings, squat + kick, lunges, side lunges (click here to see video demo of warm up)
Workout: (click on exercises to see video demo)
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