Posts tagged calorie
30 or 60 Minute Boxing Cardio Core

If you are looking for a lower impact workout that you can do at home with no equipment, and still get your heart pumping…then this 30 or 60 Minute Boxing Cardio Core Workout is perfect for you!

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Water Jug & Towel Full Body Workout

I’ve always said that working out is more about my mental well being than my physical fitness. Obviously, there are many physical benefits to staying fit and I strive to embrace them all. But my biggest benefit for working up a good sweat is the mental health component. The endorphines that are released after a good workout are soooooo crutial to my keeping a positive state of mind. And so during this time of sheltering in place I wanted to create a workout that would not only benefit you physically, but would also help you release those endorphines that will benefit you mentally. So, no excuses! Grab your water jug (laundry jug, drink pack, kettlebell) and towel and let’s get moving together with the video below!

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Calorie crushing circuit

 We really believe it is important to constantly confuse your muscles in order to effectively burn calories and keep your fitness journey from hitting a plateau.  This cardio/core workout is a very effective calorie burning HIIT circuit that requires no equipment. It will shock your metabolism into high gear and supercharge your calorie burn!  And you can do it at home!  If you really want to up your calorie this circuit outside!  Any time I take my workouts to my backyard, I can count on doubling my calorie burn and getting a good sweat on!  YAHOO!  It’s the perfect calorie crushing workout!

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Low Impact Beginner Cardio/Core Workout

This is a great workout for beginners, for anyone nursing an injury that requires low impact cardio, or if you just want an effective workout without a lot of jumping.  In only 21 minutes (if you do this workout at 30/15)  you can burn calories, strengthen your core,  feel good about your effort and take all those positive endorphines into the rest of your day.  

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The Ultimate Multi-taskers Workout

Doing plank jacks with your puppy is the ultimate multi-tasking exercise!  We are all busy people and finding time for fitness sometimes gets lost in the shuffle.   This is a great full body workout full of compound exercises that you can make as long or as short as your schedule permits.  Compound exercises not only give you the benefit of efficiency, but they also:

  • burning more calories

  • improving intramuscular coordination

  • elevating heart rate

  • improving flexibility

  • improving strength

  • gaining more muscle mass

Those are all the reasons you need to incorporate this workout into your routine!!! Have fun!

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