Posts tagged low impact
For Beginners ONLY workout

Cindy and I have had several requests for a REAL beginner workout. A workout that is for someone who is just stepping into their fitness journey. Everyone has that period in their story where they are new and feel scared and intimidated. We remember how it felt to walk into that fitness class where everyone was dressed to perfection and looked like they knew what they were doing….it’s AWFUL!!! It’s like being that kid in the cafeteria wandering around with their tray just looking for someone to make eye contact with to offer a kind glance and a place to sit. Ugh! Some things never change!!! If this is ringing true for you, then you’ve found a place to sit in the cafeteria! This is a beginner workout that is geared to just get your body moving for 10 minutes. That’s it. Don’t be afraid, don’t be intimidated, I’ll be with you from minute one to minute ten. YOU CAN DO THIS!

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30 or 60 Minute Boxing Cardio Core

If you are looking for a lower impact workout that you can do at home with no equipment, and still get your heart pumping…then this 30 or 60 Minute Boxing Cardio Core Workout is perfect for you!

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Low Impact Beginner Cardio/Core Workout

This is a great workout for beginners, for anyone nursing an injury that requires low impact cardio, or if you just want an effective workout without a lot of jumping.  In only 21 minutes (if you do this workout at 30/15)  you can burn calories, strengthen your core,  feel good about your effort and take all those positive endorphines into the rest of your day.  

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