Water Jug & Towel Full Body Workout
I’ve always said that working out is more about my mental well being than my physical fitness. Obviously, there are many physical benefits to staying fit and I strive to embrace them all. But my biggest benefit for working up a good sweat is the mental health component. The endorphins that are released after a good workout are soooooo crucial to my keeping a positive attitude. And so during this time of sheltering in place I wanted to create a workout that would not only benefit you physically, but would also help you release those endorphines that will lift your mental spirits. So, no excuses! Grab your water jug (laundry jug, drink pack, kettlebell) and towel and let’s get moving together with the video below!
one gallon jug of water (weighs about 8 pounds)
towel or swiffer rag for hard surfaces/DVD case or paper plate for carpeted surfaces
do each set of exercises 2-4 times through
30 seconds of work/15 seconds of rest
rest as needed between sets
You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for your needs. Click HERE for full disclaimer.
warm up: 30 seconds of each exercise
click HERE for video of warm up
boxer shuffle, butt kicks, jumping jacks, skaters, good mornings, squat kicks, reverse lunges, side lunges
workout: video of workout below
Set one:
squat and press L
squat and press R
ab pretzel touch
jumping jack tap down
Set two:
one legged deadlift + close row L
one legged deadlift + close row R
plank crunch
3 pulse squat jump
Set three:
split squat + press L
split squat + press R
Russian twist
water jug swing
Set four:
good mornings
plank walk
runners lunge L
runners lunge R
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