No Excuses Total Body Workout
This workout requires little to no equipment, little time, and little brain power...which is perfect for me! It's a full body workout that you can take with you vacations, or trips to the playground, and it is a simple set of 12 exercises that you repeat 2 to 3 times.
It's a perfect workout for the times you can't get to the gym! It's so easy to take with you and fit into your schedule, it's kind of a no excuses workout. If you don't have a set of bands to use, no problem! Follow the no equipment version of the workout below! (You can also order a set of the bands we use here)
It will challenge your body, but not your mind or time schedule!
- 40 seconds on/20 seconds rest (modify intensity by decreasing times to 30/15 or 20/10)
- 2 -3 times through circuit for advanced
- 1:00-2:00 minutes rest between circuits
- 12 minutes per circuit
- Bands or dumbbells (Follow workout below to do with no equipment at all!)
- Timer - We love the Seconds App on our phone
Warm Up: 30 seconds each exercise
Jump Rope - Butt Kick - Jumping Jacks - High Knee Skips - Good Mornings - Squat to Kick Lunges - Side Lunges
Band Workout:
- 3 Pulse Sumo Squat (loop band just below knees with three pulses)
- Flutter Kicks OR Scissor Kicks
- Squat Band Walk
- Windmill Pushup OR Kneeling Tricep Ext w/ Bands
- Skaters
- Side Oblique Crunch OR Side Plank Crunch (plank on elbows round 3)
- Bicep Curls (video shows kneeling, but can be done in standing position)
- Split Squat Pulse (Switch legs halfway round 3)
- Jumping Jack OR Mt Climber
- Bird Dog (Switch halfway through round 3)
- One Legged Glute Raise with Band (Both feet down round 3)
- Rhomboid Pull
No Equipment Workout:
- 3 Pulse Sumo Squat (video shows with weights, do with no weights, add three pulses with each rep)
- Flutter Kicks OR Scissor Kicks
- Walking Lunges
- Windmill Pushup
- Skaters
- Side Oblique Crunch OR Side Plank Crunch (plank on elbows round 3)
- Tricep Dips (using Chair, bench, or steps)
- Split Squat Pulse (Switch legs halfway round 3)
- Jumping Jack OR Mt Climber
- Bird Dog (Switch halfway through round 3)
- One Legged Glute Raise (Both feet down round 3)
- Crab Walk